miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017

                                                     ECO THINGS

Ecotourism: It is when you made tourism in rural zones and you take care of it and buy local things. For example, a ecotourism travel can be to San Gil, Colombia. Also when you do this type of tourism you have a new experience because, you wont use technology
Resultado de imagen para ecotourism

Ecofood: Are the aliments/food that come from the countryside and are not proteins, there are 
legumes, rices, chia seeds, corn, etc.
Resultado de imagen para ecofood

Food Habits: 
1Carry a water bottle in every moment of the day
2Eat 3 times at day
3Walk 10,000 steps or do 1 hour exercise every day 
4Eat fruit and vegetables
5Shop healthy
6Sit down in a table to eat
7Have a green tea after meals
8Choose wholegrain
9Low GI bread and breakfast cereal
10Eat carbohydrates with proteins togheter
Resultado de imagen para food habits

Sustainability: When biogical systems endure and remain productive and it is a balacing act and 
when you have a good life with a procesS
Resultado de imagen para sustainability

Sustainable food: It is food that shop to local stores and that that are helthy ans sustainable to the enviroment and community
Resultado de imagen para sustainable food



Hi, our names are Nicolás Camelo and Tomás Uñate from Abraham Lincoln School of 6A and today we are going to inform you about: Carnivals and Festivals around the world.

There are many carnivals and festivals around the world but today we focus on these ones: "Carnaval de Barranquilla, Carnival of Venice and Día de los Muertos.

Carnaval de Barranquilla: In Colombia since February 10th to February the 13rd there is an carnival in wich people from Barranquilla celebrate Coast's traditions.In the Carnival they costume like dancers and singers from Coast and eat and dance all night. They eat delicious food but not sustainable or healthy, this are the "Mote de Queso, Arepa de Huevo and sancocho de guandú

Resultado de imagen para carnaval de BARRANQUILLA

Carnival of venice: This carnival goes from January the 27th to February the 13rd in Venice Italy. The carnival celebrates that the Monarchy disguised itself with masks and great dresses to go to the town and be with the citizens. For that reason what they normally do in the carnival is to get masks and costumes for represent ancient times. What they eat there is " Frittole, Galano and Castagnole".

Resultado de imagen para carnaval de venecia https://locuraviajes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/carnaval-de-venecia-2016-ciudad-de-los-canales-600x370.png

Dia de los muertos:This festival is celebrated in Mexico and its duration  is of three days. On this festival the people celebrate their familiars that are gone decoring their tombstones, eating "Tacos, Frijoles, "Pan de Muerto", Sugar Skulls and "Tamales" this food is delicious but not healthy or sustainable.

Resultado de imagen para dia de los muertos en mexico

Conclusion: With this we could conclude that in this festivals are delicious but not sustainable or healthy food, that could do us reflect about eating this kind of food much times a week. Finally we want to give our opinion about this theme: This food is delicious, but it can only be eaten in especial occasions or once at three months.

"Pan de muerto" Ingredients:

3 1/2 cups of flour.
225 grams of butter.
3 eggs.
1 1/4 cups of sugar.
1/2 cup of water.
2 tablespoons orange zest grated.
22 grams of yeast.
7 egg yolks.


Sustainable "Pan de muerto" Ingredients:

3 1/2 cups almond flour.
225 grams of olive oil.
3 eggs
1 1/4 cups of honey.
1/2 cup of water.
2 tablespoons of grated orange zest.
22 grams of yeast.
3 Bananas.

Resultado de imagen para pan de muerto

"Castagnole" Ingredients:

30 g of sugar. 35 g of butter. 15 ml of sweet anise.  lemon zest. 1 egg. 150 g of flour. 5 g of chemical yeast.  1 pinch of salt.  olive oil. icing sugar to coat.


Sustainable "Castagnole" Ingredients:

30 g honey.
35 g olive oil.
15 ml molasses.
lemon zest.
1 egg.
150 g of coconut flour.
5 g of chemical yeast.
1 pinch of salt.
2 crushed olives.
Sugar masquerade for decorate.

Resultado de imagen para Castagnole

"Arepa de Huevo" Ingredients:

1/2 Cups of precooked yellow corn flour.
1/2 Cups of water.
4 Eggs.
Salt and Pepper to taste.
Frying oil.


Sustainable "Arepa de Huevo" Ingredients:

1/2 Rice Flour.
1/2 Cups of Water.
4 Eggs.
Salt and Pepper to taste.
Olive Oil.

Resultado de imagen para arepa de huevo


1.Can we keep the flavor of the tipical dishes if we change the ingredients into organic ones?

2.We want to teach people that they are not eating healthy food

3.Make campains for the people to start to make your own mini farm for all for dishes


There we have the interview to Melba Uribe a woman who has studied bakery and that is a bacteriologist.


Now we are going to see an speech by an ecologyst named Julian Cardenas about ecofood, composting and sustainability.


We could conclude from the survey that for doing our project we need to make people realize that what they eat all days is not the best food and that they can try with Organic Food. 

And that we can change our tipical dishes keeping the flavor and doing it healthy, sustainable and eco.

Little farm at home

If you are a person who doesn't like to spend so much money in food, but you want to eat healthy and good things. This is the idea you need to take.


A box





First you need to put enought soil to fill all the box and some composte, then you put wathever seed to you want to plant and start putting some water every day.

Also for avoid using pestesites you can put a carnivorus plant near the mini farm and this one will act like a shield for your aliments. 

This method we learned in the speech that the biologyst Julian Cardenas gave to us.

With this you can have the  aliments for all your foods in a healthy, eco and easy way with this I can state you that you will have alimets without any pestisite or that had been genetically modyfied.

   Resultado de imagen para granjas en cajas bio organicas

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